Our Story

In 2017, Maison Numéro 12 is launched.
I started to imagine jewels, creations, because I found that women's jewellery had become sad, monotonous and tasteless. At the time, I was living a very traced life...a good job, a beautiful Parisian apartment...but it all bored me!
April 2017, the big jump.
I leave my job as manager and decide to go and open my shop in Siracusa, Sicily. Why? I still don't know why, I had only spent one night in this city a few months before! It's a blank page, there's everything to do, and I'm alone! I'm embarking on my project with 12 workshops and suppliers who are still following us! The name is found it will be "Maison Numéro 12" like the 12 months of the year, like my day and month of birth and like the 12 designers who have in common the craftsmanship, the know-how, the love of handmade work and the desire to make the Woman even more beautiful.

The rest is thanks to you!
You were there from day one, full of enthusiasm for our creations. You have made us evolve and each season you are there and always surprised by our new products. This bond of trust established over the years and for us our driving force!
We are so exciting to grow up with you!
We will write the rest...
Some things to now about us...

Fighting global warming and short circuits are for us a very important and civic act.
To shop differently, to privilege the small brands, the craftsmen, this is what Maison Numéro 12 can offer you!

Humble beginnings
Our story begins in a small shop with a small team. With nothing but passion and a dream our brand was born.

Quality first
We started making the products we wanted to see in the world and we did this with an uncompromising approach to sustainability.